LG Electronics launched its tablet PC G-Slate with Google's Tablet PC OS 'Honeycomb' in US market in March through T-mobile.
LG G-Slate is equipped with Honeycomb, an Android Tablet-only OS, and adopts NVIDIA's next-generation Tegra 2 Dual Core Processor. And an 8.9-inch display with a resolution of 1280 × 768 (WXGA).
The Tegra 2 dual-core processor has two gigahertz (GHz) cores in a central processing unit (CPU), each of which can operate independently to minimize power consumption. It supports powerful multimedia functions such as 1080p (progressive) full HD video playback and 3D game driving.
In addition, it can be easily uploaded to other devices such as TV or PC through HDMI terminal after recording 3D video with a flash-enabled 5 million pixel dual camera, thus providing an easy and fast entertainment contents environment.
Other features include Adobe® Flash® Player 10.1, 32GB internal memory, a 2-megapixel front-facing camera capable of video conferencing, a 6400-milliamp (mAh) large capacity battery, gyroscope, Sensors and other powerful hardware specifications.